Soal dan Jawaban UTS Semester Ganjil Basic English

Soal dan Jawaban UTS Semester Ganjil Basic English

Directions :

  1. Choose a software/app/operating system you want to describe and write a brief description on the subject you select!
  2. Give comments about the material you choose in conjuction with you best knowledge and experience on the chosen software/app/operating system!
  3. Make short dialogues related to the object you have chosen!
Karena aplikasi yang tim kami pilih itu aplikasi Brainly, maka jawabnya tentang aplikasi Brainly.

          The first time I know Brainly was approximately 3 years ago when I got some difficulties to finish my homework that I got from my teacher and finally, I search to find the solution of my difficulties, that is Brainly.Brainly is a social media platform that is connected to education and learning. It uses social networking features to connect users who intend to share their knowledge within the online community. This site is dedicated to Middle School, High School, and College students, as well as teachers, parents and other educators because Brainly helps students to solve the problem of learning when they have difficult homework.From the information that I get,Brainly users come from over 35 countries and the total size of community is 80 million users monthly by January 2017.

          It proves that technology is useful. Why do I say that? Because mostly, the users function internet in the wrong purpose. In Brainly, we have big freedom to share our knowledge. Brainly existance becomes one of technology development benefits in this world. We can be interconnected to discuss about subjects that have been learned in our school.Brainly provides some options of subject, those are mathematics, Indonesia, civics, social sciences, biology, physics, history, and english.This application is very good to diminish bad employing of  internet such mocking each other through facebook or twitter.

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