Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Berikut ini tugas Bahasa Inggris saya, lebih tepatnya matkul Applied English yaitu Drawing About My Self. Berikut scriptnya :
Good… everybody, in this nice occasion, I would like to tell you about owl as my representation. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Syarifah Aini. You can call me Aini. I am just 20th years old on this month.
Alright, now I will describe my representation as owl. Why I’m choosing owl? The reason is, I do my activities more often at night. Some of those activities are blogging, coding, designing, gaming, and if I feel bored I watch some anime to entertain myself. I’m also like quiet place to study.
Almost everyday, I keep thinking about how people act and observe their behavior and thinking about environment, my task and also my unsolved problem. I become more active at night because the situation fells quieter and my mind become more opened at night, close to owl right? They’re become more active at night and less active in day time. The difference is they awake at night for hunting preys and I awake at night to solve my problems, observe my environment and also to relax mysel.
That’s all of my presentation. Thankyou for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
dan ini ada videonya :v
Sekian terimakasih.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. ^_^ .
Good… everybody, in this nice occasion, I would like to tell you about owl as my representation. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Syarifah Aini. You can call me Aini. I am just 20th years old on this month.
Alright, now I will describe my representation as owl. Why I’m choosing owl? The reason is, I do my activities more often at night. Some of those activities are blogging, coding, designing, gaming, and if I feel bored I watch some anime to entertain myself. I’m also like quiet place to study.
Almost everyday, I keep thinking about how people act and observe their behavior and thinking about environment, my task and also my unsolved problem. I become more active at night because the situation fells quieter and my mind become more opened at night, close to owl right? They’re become more active at night and less active in day time. The difference is they awake at night for hunting preys and I awake at night to solve my problems, observe my environment and also to relax mysel.
That’s all of my presentation. Thankyou for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
dan ini ada videonya :v
Sekian terimakasih.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. ^_^ .
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