Job Interview

          Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Berikut ini script job interview saya dengan salah satu teman saya lebih tepatnya temen maen game adek kelas wkwk btw maaciw Anggun cuuuu :*

1. Tell me a little about you!
          My name is Syarifah Aini. You can call me Aini. I am twenty years old. I have graduated from Vocational High School 3 Jember in 2017, majoring in Software Engineering. Now, I attended State Polytechnic of Jember where I am majoring in Informatics Management and I really enjoyed learning especially learning programming. My hobbies include web designing and make a web based application.

2. Why do you come here for? Job interview?
          Because I was interested to join in your software host company Mr. Yes of course. I am ready to be interviewed.

3. What position are you applying for in this company? Why that position?
          I want to apply for the Web Developer position. I am interested working on that position because that is my passion especially in back end development and I am also very love working in IT world.

4. Why do you think I have to hire/accept you working here?
          Because I have enough experience in this field and this field is my own passion. So I have a very strong spirit for this field.

5. Do you have working experience? If yes, then tell me about it!
          No, I do not. But I have field industrial practiced in PT. DAOP 9 Jember in IT position. So I have experience even though it’s only about 4 months. They are how to repair a computer, set up a CPU, operate a web based application until the operate that databases.

6. Please tell me.. what do you like about you? What type of person are you?
          I am an honest person, (rajin beribadah), responsible, (suka begadang sampai larut malam) and can finished a project on time. I like a peaceful situation especially when I work an assignment or project.

7. How much salary do you think you want for the job you're applying for?
          I am expecting my salary is five million rupiahs per month.

8. Which one do you choose, job or family? Then why?
          Family. Because, my family is more priority than a job.

9. What is your future dream? Tell me about it.
          My future dream is become a best professional programmer girl in this world especially in my own country that’s Indonesia country. Other that, I want to build a free school for a newbie programming in my own country because I want to sharing my knowledge about programming especially web programming.

10. What is your hope for learning English so far?
          I hope I can more fluent in speaking English. …

Dan ini videonya :v

          Sekian terimakasih. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. ^_^ .

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