Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Berikut ini merupakan tugas portofolio saya mengenai Applied English/Kegiatan selama belajar matkul Applied English :*
My name is Syarifah Aini. In this semester and last semester in Applied English class, I have learned many English material. I have been taught Applied English by Mr. Ganesha for last semester and I got application material that is liked and disliked in here I study about how to speak good English language especially English conversation with my friend and how to make a CV. On the other hand I also studied CV design. I have been taught Applied English by Mr. Aan for this semester and I got how to make job application, how to describe myself with drawing as my representation, how to tell people about the direction of the road, job promotion, describe my loved thing, and job interview.
I think the best to learn English are by speaking in English such as public speaking in front of class or memorizing one English word per day or by singing a song and playing games because the language feature in games often use English language as basic selection so that it can makes us learn English easier because it's relaxing to play games and learn English the same time. In my opinion, the more we learn English by those activities, the more we become more fluent in speaking English.
For these two semesters I have got many assignment. My favorite assignment is the material that using a drawing to describe myself. Why? Because of that drawing, it will be easier to recognize and describe myself although I hadn't have the opportunity to advance in in front of my classroom because when I want to go forward I get pretty excited so I decided to make a video blog. In the other side I can study how to speak English well and also can practice how to represent my character.
That's all of my story about this applied English class. I love English language so much when my friends are speak in my class actively in English and it makes my college situation become funnier and by playing English learning games sometimes, I can absorb many material. I hope I can study English more in a variety of unique and interesting ways so it won't be boring.
Begitulah portofolio saya, sekian terimakasih. Semoga bermanfaat. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. ^_^ .
Waoo.. Your English is awesome..
ReplyDeleteAamiin. Thankyou ^_^ .